Shiga Prefecture's Finest: Mizukagami "Omi Rice" - Special Cultivation for an Exquisite, Delicately Sweet Flavor - Experience Luxury in Every Grain, Japanese Short Grain White Rice 特別栽培米 滋賀県産近江米 - 11 Pound
- ⓵ "Special Cultivation" - refers to rice that is grown with the use of 50% or less of the specified conventional level of pesticides and 50% or less of the nitrogen component of chemical fertilizers, as defined by the producing prefecture or region.
- ⓶ Original variety of Shiga Prefecture's Omi rice, known for its catchphrase "Abundant harvest sparkling in clear water
- ③ This rice cooks up white, beautiful, and glossy, offering the deliciousness of rice in dishes like onigiri and bento
- ④ Grown with reduced pesticides and chemical fertilizers as an "Environmentally Conscious Rice" to lessen the impact on the environment, including Lake Biwa
- ㊕ Carefully Selected and Expertly Packed by [MAJI RICE]
Shiga Prefecture's Finest: Mizukagami "Omi Rice" - Special Cultivation